Uintah Online
How are the lessons delivered?
Detailed lessons and instruction will be online. The lessons will include readings, videos, and interactive activities. Although a teacher will not be leading a live whole-group lesson, there is a teacher available each day to answer questions or help with a specific concept. Students can schedule a time to come into the UON classroom to get help or can work with a teacher virtually, through a virtual classroom linked to the student’s CANVAS account. Students in K-2 will have many lessons “offline” with instructions for the Learning Coach (parent or guardian) to help guide.
What will daily learning look like for my Elementary aged student?
Elementary grades will entail some help from the parent, or Learning Coach, but the instructions and "what to do" is very organized and easy to follow. The amount of learning coach direction will depend on student grade and individual student need. Courses will be organized on one main platform and each course will have an outline of lessons with due dates for each. And, most importantly, you are not alone! We have multiple options available when help is needed. We have a classroom located in the AVEC building (by Uintah High School), and we also have a Virtual Classroom that will have open hours each school day. Parents, and even students can easily pop-in on the Virtual Classroom and get questions answered or more guidance.
What about my primary grade (K-2) student? Will he/she have to be in front of a computer all day?
Absolutely not. We agree - students this young need a lot of hands-on activity. The online curriculum will instruct you to complete offline activities with your student. Usually basic household materials will be used. We also have a variety of materials you can check out from our classroom.
What materials are available for check-out?
Chromebook, whiteboard, math manipulative, reading books
Uintah Online Middle School and High School uses a Mastery Based curriculum. What does that mean?
Mastery based means that a student will not be able to progress to the next lesson until the one they are currently working on is mastered with a score of 80% or better. Courses are organized into units and each unit consists of a series of lessons. If a student does not pass a lesson quiz with a mastery score, he/she can review the lesson and take the quiz again independently. If a student does not pass the Unit Test (called a Post Test) he/she must contact the teacher and request that the test be reset. This helps assure student learning and opens a communication path for student and teacher.
Will the district provide chromebooks for all children who participate in online school?
Yes, as long as they live in Uintah School District
What courses are available for High School students?
Uintah Online offers all required courses needed for graduation. The list of elective courses is available here: Elective options
I have heard that a High School student can turn in work hours for elective credit. How does that work:
Yes. Uintah Online High School students can earn 1 full elective credit per trimester, from work. 72 work hours will equal .5 credit. Pay stubs must be turned in to the AVEC counselor, and a series of assessments/activites through youscience must be completed for credit to be applied.
What kind of class selections will be available for middle school students?
English Language Arts; Math; Science; Social Studies; Keyboarding Skills & Digital Literacy; Music Appreciation; PE/Health; Science & Technology (elective); Intro to Spanish (elective); Astronomy (elective); World Studies* (elective).
What if we decide online school is not for us? Can students transfer back into their traditional school during the school year?
Yes. For the most seamless transfer and to assure proper credits are earned, we encourage transfer of schools during USD trimester breaks. Contact each school the week before the trimester ends to set up new trimester schedules and complete the student transfer paperwork.
Does my student have to log in at a certain time of day?
No. Each lesson, quiz and test will have a specific due date. Students need to stay caught up and pass each lesson, quiz, and test by the expected due date. Uintah Online students have up until midnight to complete daily work.
What if my student can’t complete work for a day of school (they are sick, on vacation, at an extra-curricular event)?
You can call the school and Parent Excuse your child if no medical note is available. If it was a school sponsored extra-curricular event that your child actively participated in, you can contact the AVEC secretary to inform her of the event. *Also – a favorite option is to have your student work ahead in the course(s). If a student has the assigned daily work completed ahead of time, he/she will not be marked absent even if they do not login on the given school day.
What is Combined Enrollment?
Combined Enrollment is offered as an option for Middle School or High School students. Students are enrolled in a partial schedule at the traditional school and are also enrolled with Uintah Online. Students need to have a full schedule between both schools and classes taken at the on-campus school must be scheduled for consecutive periods (all in the morning or all in the afternoon). Transportation is parental responsibility.
What is a benefit of enrolling with Uintah Online?
We realize each student and family need is unique. If you are looking for a program that will allow your child to school from home, please consider Uintah Online. We would love the opportunity to support you and your student. Lessons and work will be delivered remotely, and you have access to not only the curriculum, but also a local cooperating teacher assigned to help track and monitor student progress. Working with Uintah Online also opens more flexibility with student scheduling. Attendance is taken daily, but student classes are organized in a way that allows you and the student to see what is due; what has been completed; and what is coming up. If you know of a vacation, activity, medical or sports need that would require your student to be unavailable for specific dates, the student could work ahead to get the assignments done early without having to worry about being marked absent or missing school.
What is the Uintah Online Elementary curriculum like?
Uintah Online will use a digital curriculum provider. This curriculum puts all student courses on one platform, so parents can easily see what is due each day for each course and can navigate between subjects with ease.
Will there be any social events for my students?
Seasonal student get-togethers are fun for the whole family to attend. These are always completely optional. They are usually well attended and are ALWAYS a BLAST!
UON K-5 Students can attend Free-swim time at the Rec Center each week, too.
*I have also worked with multiple families who participate in the Home-School classes organized at the county library. These are not specifically tied to our school, but they provide another fun option for social interaction and extension classes/programs.
How do I register my High School student?
The AVEC counselor works closely with all HS students to assure students are scheduled appropriately and are on-track for graduation. You will need to go into AVEC to meet with the counselor, Mindy Deets, to register a High School student.
How do I register my K – 8 student?
To register, come in and complete registration forms at Ashley Valley Education Center.
How much does UON cost?
There is no charge
for K - 8; 9 - 12 is $60
How do I reset my Aspire Password?
To reset your Aspire password, click on “Need Help Logging In?” found on the bottom of the Aspire login page.
What if I forgot my parental Aspire username?
Click on “Request a Username” on the Aspire login page.
Can my Middle School student continue with Dual Immersion through Uintah Online?
The Dual Immersion program for Middle School is only available through Vernal Middle School. Please contact your student's VMS counselor to determine options available for continuing this program while also enrolled as an online student.
How do I sign up my Elementary aged student for Dual Immersion and Uintah Online?
Combined Enrollment is not available for Elementary aged students. Dual Immersion students at Discovery Elementary School will need to continue their enrollment at Discovery in order to remain in the Dual Immersion program.
How do I get my High School student registered with Uintah Online?
All High School students must meet with the AVEC counselor, Mindy Deets, in order to complete registration as an online student. Please stop by AVEC at your earliest convenience. AVEC is open Monday - Thursday 8:00 - 2:00 and until noon on Friday's.
My student wants to take some classes on campus at the High School and some online. What do I need to do?
This is called a Combined Schedule. Secondary students (grades 9 -12) can be scheduled with this Combined status. Please meet with the counselor at the "on-campus" school first and have a Combined Enrollment form filled out. Bring this form into AVEC to complete Combined Enrollment registration. *We ask students to keep the "on-campus" classes lumped together at the beginning or the end of the day and students will need to maintain a full schedule combined between both schools.
Here's the link to schedule an appointment with a UHS counselor: http://uhsuintah.ss12.sharpschool.com/counseling_center
Counseling Center - Uintah High School
How do I make an appointment with my counselor? STUDENTS: You may drop into the counseling office to see your counselor before school, between classes, during lunch ...
Will my Elementary aged student still have access to Lexia and iReady?
Uintah Online students will have accessibility to the Lexia Reading program. Uintah Online will not be using iReady, but will have other great online programs that students will be using.
Will my High School student be considered a student at Ashley Valley?
Yes. The Ashley Valley Education Center houses multiple alternative education programs. 9th - 12th grade students are scheduled through Ashley Valley High School but can have the option to complete schoolwork as an Online Student. Credits earned will appear on transcript as Ashley Valley High School.
Is there a resource where parents can get help with Edgenuity?
Edgenuity has a Help Center for parents to use if they are having problems interacting with K-5 coursework. This would be for things like turning assignments in, accessing lessons, discovering website features, etc.
The address for the Edgenuity K-5 Help Center is: www.virtualschoolresourcecenter.com/resources/parent-learning-coach-resources/.
There is also a student orientation video for grades 6 and 7 that shows what students will do and the resources they can access: www.edgenuity.com/video-library/?vid=5978276525001.
Updated 9/2020